8 Benefits of Listening to Music

It has been proven by a variety of scientific studies that music significantly improves people’s mental wellbeing and boost physical health. Listening too music and playing it has proven to raise IQ levels, particularly as we age. Because of this sentiment, I am going to give you 8 benefits of listening to music.

Music Enhances Running Performance

Runners who listened to fast or slow motivational music completed the first 800 metres of their run faster than those who listened to relaxing music or without music. If you are interested in boosting your physical fitness training, listen to music to improve your ability to perform.

Music Elevates Your Mood while Driving

I am sure many of you readers will agree with the idea behind this next one. Music helps lift our moods and helps use concentrate better when driving. According to a research paper in the Netherlands, music can positively impact your mood while driving and consequently lead to safer driving than if you were not listening to anything at all.

Music Reduces Depression

Over 350 million people across the world struggle with depression and 90% of them also experience some level of insomnia. Sleep research found that symptoms of depression decreased largely with those who listened to classical music. You could even see similar effects if you turned on loud rock music. Rock music allows those that struggle with depression to identify with others who are struggling and find important social connections that can lead to healing.

Music Lowers Stress and Improves Health

Many tend to listen to copyright free relaxing music to help reduce their stress levels, which thereby results in a lower production of cortisol, the stress hormone. There are studies which have demonstrated that people’s immune systems are boosted when they actively participate in making or listening to music. I am sure many of us can understand where the study is coming from anecdotally. So many of us love a music concert that helps us blow off some steam.

So, during a stressful day, turn on the radio and channel that frustration into your appreciation of your favourite music genre. Let yourself go and have some fun, your mind and body will thank you for it.

Music Makes you Happier

Your brain releases a ‘happy hormone’, dopamine when you listen to music you enjoy as neuroscientists have discovered through a wide variety of studies.

Music Makes Sleeping Easier

A study observed students who listened to relaxing classical music for 45 minutes before bedtime slept significantly better than those who slept with an audiobook or listened to nothing at all. So if you want to make it easier for you or your children to get a good nights sleep put on something relaxing and you will be in dream land in no time. Of course, having a great mattress to sleep on also makes it super-easy to drift off peacefully; if you feel that yours perhaps needs replacing, you may even be able to find some savings online at places like https://www.raise.com/coupons/saatva so you can get a beautiful new mattress for less than you might think!

Music Improves Learning and Memory

Researchers have discovered that music can improve your ability to learn and recall information. Participants who were musicians learned better with neutral music and tested better with positive music whereas non-musicians learned better with positive music and tested better with neutral music. Regardless, music helps strengthen participant’s learning and memory.

Music Increases Verbal Intelligence

A study illustrates that after one month of musical lessons with children between the ages of 4 and 6, 90% significantly improved their ability to understand words and explain their meaning. Other research in the field discovered that musically trained women and children outperformed those who were not involved in music when completing a verbal memory test.

Ultimately, there are so many benefits to listening and taking part in music. After all, music is a universal language that is cherished and understood by a wide range of cultures across the world. Emotions can be expressed in music that can be understood by anyone, regardless of language. This makes music incredibly powerful and enables us to connect globally over something that is good for all of us.